Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Shoulder Press

Wednesday's WOD

Shoulder Press

53-58-58-58-58 (F-2)

then 3 rounds of
5 jumping ring dips
10 pull ups (green-band)
15 squats


Man, I just couldn't get that last one!  I got a few pull-ups on the blue-band today, I have to start practicing more so I can graduate to the next level in the WODs.

zone challenge: 77

Monday, April 27, 2009

Norcal qualifiers WOD #1

Monday's WOD

500m row
30 burpees
10 Push Jerk (45#)


This is the first workout for the qualifiers in Norcal.  It will be fun to see everyone charging it this weekend!

zone challenge: 75

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Revisiting Fran

Sunday Benchmark Make-Up

45# thruster, green band pull ups

7:58   4 seconds slower than Wednesday 

Here's a zone tasty zone meal I came up with.  I got this idea from something Nick made last time he was home.  1 1/4 cup peppers (1C), 1/2 cup marinara sauce (1C),  2.5 oz ground turkey (2.5P), mozzarella cheese (~.5P), 1/2 piece of toast (1C) and 1/3 teaspoon butter (1F) (I also had a few almost for the other 2 Fat blocks).  

zone challenge: 74

Friday, April 24, 2009

In-N-Out and Zone

Friday's WOD


AMRAP in 20 min of:
30 box jumps (14" I think, 12"+45# plate)
20 push press (43#)
30 pull ups (green band)

2 rounds + 30 box jumps + 15 push press

I've been wanting to figure out how many blocks an In-N-Out burger is for a while so my dad and I went tonight and I did a little experiment.  I ordered a double-double with out cheese. Both meet patties were around 2.5 ounces so I added .5 ounce at home.  For the carbs, I took a little trick from Jason Khalipa and took part of the bun out from the inside (I know it sounds a little crazy) so I guessed that to be around 2.5 blocks of carbs, but I'm not really sure.  Then there was some tomato, onions and lettuce.  For the fat I got the spread on the side and put a little of that on.  It wasn't all measured perfectly but It was pretty close.  

zone challenge:72

Wednesday, April 22, 2009


Wednesday's WOD

Thrusters (45#)
Pull ups (green band)

7:54 (PR)

Last time I did Fran was the last day of elements on January 22 (exactly 3 months ago).  I did 33# thrusters to a 20" box and jumping pull ups and got 8:16.  I didn't PR by much but I had more weight and used the g-band so I'm pretty happy with my time.

zone challenge: 70

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Squat Therapy

Tuesday's WOD

Squat Thearpy 

5 rounds of
15 kbs (26#)
130 single jump rope (It was supposed to be 120 substituted for 30 double unders but for some reason I thought it was 130)


I didn't realize how much I needed squat therapy until I actually did it.  I'm going to start working on getting below parallel at home and at the gym before or after work outs.

zone challenge: 69

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Crossfit and Beach

...bring on the summer!!

Sunday's WOD

5 rounds
12 deadlifts
9 med-ball cleans 
6 push jerk 
(all were done w/ 20# med-balls)


zone challenge: 68

Friday, April 17, 2009

Max Pull Ups

Friday's WOD

20 minutes of 
400m run
max pull ups (green band)

16+10+8+10+9+10= 63 total

zone challenge:67

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Crossfit Flood

On Tuesday I was down in San Diego so I decided to check out Crossfit Flood.  When I lived in SD I used to go to church at flood, so it was cool to find out that they have an affiliate in the back of the church offices. 

Tuesday's WOD

2 rounds of:
500m row 
50 pull ups (red band, I think it was a little thicker than the green band)
50 squats
50 push ups (knee)
(break up pull/push ups and squats as needed)


Going into the second round all the rowers were taken so while waiting I did 23 SDHP's (1 SDHP= 10m row), then finished on the rower when one opened.  It was fun going to another CF. If you're ever down in San Diego check them out!

Wednesday's WOD

HSPU (24" box)
ring dips (jumping)
push ups (knee)


I didn't hit my head every time with the hspu so I'll have to work on getting full depth next time.

zone challenge: 66

Monday, April 13, 2009

Tabata This!

Handstand masters

 Mom, Katie and I on an Easter hike at Pt Mugu

Monday's WOD

Tabata This

row: 5
squats: 12
pull ups (jumping): 9
push ups (knee): 9
sit ups:9
Total: 44

I started with push ups and after the row my legs were shot so the squats and pull ups were really hard! 

zone challenge: 64

Yah I still need to work on those handstands. Straight arms and active shoulders!

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Saturday Crossfit Day

Saturday's WOD

KBS (26#)
pull ups (green band)


Friday, April 10, 2009


Friday's WOD

Thrusters: 3-3-3-3-3

AMRAP in 10 min
10 Thrusters (10# dbs)
10 SDHP (35# kettlebell)

7 rounds + 2 thrusters

This is the first time I've done max thrusters. I tried for 75# but failed twice...NEXT TIME!

zone challenge: 63

Wednesday, April 8, 2009


Wednesday's WOD

5K Run


I'm super stoked about this time!!  Last time I did the 5k was Feb 22 and I got 38:07.  I beat my time by 5:49!  I was really trying to concentrate on the POSE running and maintaining the same speed the whole time (my first mile was around 10 min and the next 2 were around 11).  The POSE has really helped me; I was not as out of breath and my muscles didn't get fatigued at all, the balls of my feet are a little sore but I guess that means I'm doing it right. 

zone challenge:61

Monday, April 6, 2009


Monday's WOD

Push Jerk: 3-3-3-3-3

Then 5 rounds of
10 pull ups (green band)
10 wall balls (10#)


The last 2 of the push jerk were a little shaky but I got it up there.  On Feb 27, the WOD was 10 rounds of 10 pull ups 10 wall balls.  I modified mine to 5 rounds with jumping pull ups and 10# wall balls and my time was 5:50.  Today I used the green band and beat my time by 3 seconds (not a lot but its way harder w/ the g-band and I felt a lot better afterwards then I did the first time).  I love seeing progress like this, the numbers don't lie!

zone challenge: 59

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Family day

Sunday's WOD

10 Rounds:
100m run
10 deadlifts (35# db's)
10 push ups (knee)


This one was hard! The dumbell deadlifts hurt. It was fun having family from out of town there today!

zone challenge: 58

Saturday, April 4, 2009


Friday's WOD

3 rounds
1o burpees
20 pull ups (green band!)
30 kettlebell swings (26#)


So I finally did a WOD with the green band, yay!!  It wasn't easy but I feel like I got a way better workout then doing the jumping pull ups.  My times are going to be slower (at first anyways) with the g-band but its going to make me way more pull up goal is to get a real one by my birthday (August 17).

zone challenge: 57

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

April Fools

Wednesday's WOD

800m run
400m run backwards
800m run
400m run backwards


The WOD on the board today when I came in was something like, 50 burpees, 50 pullups, 50 burpees, 50 sit ups, 50 burpees, 50 push ups, 50 burpees, 50 squats.  Good thing it was an April Fools!! That would of been gnarly.  

zone challenge:  55