Monday, April 6, 2009


Monday's WOD

Push Jerk: 3-3-3-3-3

Then 5 rounds of
10 pull ups (green band)
10 wall balls (10#)


The last 2 of the push jerk were a little shaky but I got it up there.  On Feb 27, the WOD was 10 rounds of 10 pull ups 10 wall balls.  I modified mine to 5 rounds with jumping pull ups and 10# wall balls and my time was 5:50.  Today I used the green band and beat my time by 3 seconds (not a lot but its way harder w/ the g-band and I felt a lot better afterwards then I did the first time).  I love seeing progress like this, the numbers don't lie!

zone challenge: 59

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