Monday, March 30, 2009

Happy Monday

Monday's WOD

5 rounds
10 big box jumps (15" going big!! haha)
15 Wallballs (10#)
200m sprint
(rest 2 minutes between rounds)

total time: 21:38
time minus rest: 13:38

I'm not a huge fan of wallballs, especially after the deadlift and cindy WODs, my legs were really feeling it!  

zone challenge:53

Sunday, March 29, 2009

Make-Up Sunday

Sunday's WOD

jumping pull ups
knee push ups

13 rounds

zone: 52

Friday, March 27, 2009

First Rip

Friday's WOD

5 rounds for time
10 deadlifts (115#)
30 squats


I felt really out of it during this WOD today.  My head wasn't really in it and I wasn't pushing myself that hard.  

zone challenge: 51

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Crossfit Total

Wednesday's WOD

Crossfit Total

back squat-123
shoulder press-58


It felt good to lift some heavy weight today!  

zone challenge: 49

Monday, March 23, 2009

Handstand Push up???

Monday's WOD

800m run
21 handstand push ups (I did mine from a 20" box)
800m run
800m run


I maybe could have pushed a little harder during the run...I always say that after, but during the WOD is a different story.  I think thats where the role of intensity comes in.  A month ago I would have walked for sure, so I've come a long way, but I still have a ways to go.  

zone challenge: 48

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Made it to the top

Saturday's WOD

McMenemy Trail run

57 something

I'm glad I did this one.  It was hard but definitely worth it once you get to the top.

Friday, March 20, 2009

dips and pull ups

Fridays WOD

75 pull ups  (box jump)
75 dips (purple band)


This was a modification for 30 muscle ups.  I broke them up to sets of 10, then switched.  When I was practicing with the dips it didn't seem to bad, but by the time I got to the second round I was starting to feel it!  

zone challenge: 46

Wednesday, March 18, 2009



3 rounds for time:
20 10# one arm dumbbell snatch (10 on each arm)
20 knee "jump" push ups


The jump push ups, not to be confused with jumping pull ups, were an interesting little twist.  It definitely made it harder.

zone challenge: 45

Monday, March 16, 2009

deadlift and a new take on spaghetti

Monday's WOD

Deadlift 5-5-5-5-5

It was nice to be back after a little ski trip over the weekend.  I'm usually really sore after a day of skiing but this time I wasn't at all.

One of the new favorites at the Mitchell house is spaghetti squash topped with sausage, meatballs and marinara sauce.  It tastes just as good, if not better, than regular spaghetti! 

Here's the breaks down:
1 cup of spaghetti squash = 1 block
1 oz meat = 1 block
1/2 cup marinara sauce = 1 block
(I used oil to cook the meat so I counted that as my fat)  

zone challenge: 43

Thursday, March 12, 2009

San Francisco Crippler

Thursday's WOD

30 back squats (43#)
1 mile run


I tried working on the POSE running during the mile but it was hard to keep it up the whole time. The drills felt better today, so I know with more practice it will become easier and easier.    

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Hang Power Clean

Today the WOD was Squat Clean (1-1-1-1-1) but instead I worked on the hang power clean.  I started out with 25# just to get the feel for it because I've never done them before. I didn't do the 1-1-1 thing because tonight I was more working on the movement rather than strength.  So each time I would do 2 or 3 reps.   Heres how it went: 33-38-43-48-53-58

zone challenge: 41

Monday, March 9, 2009

Relearning to Run

Monday's WOD

4 x 400m run
1:44, 1:58, 2:10, 1:59  total: 7:51

We did a bunch of new running drills today before the WOD to help correct the way we run.  At first it felt a little awkward but after a bit, especially after taking my shoes off, it started to feel a little more natural.  During the work out I really had to concentrate on my technique, especially as I got more tired.  I've never been a huge fan of running so hopefully as my technique gets better I won't dislike it as much.
After the WOD I practiced my pull ups and I was able to do 3 sets of 5 with the green band! Last week Luke was helping me out and I was only able to get 1 on my own.  I'm got to keep practicing so I can start doing them in the workout.

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Tabata Fight Gone Bad

Sunday's WOD
Tabata FGB

sdhp (25#)
box jump (14")
push press (25#)
wall balls (10# for 2 or 3 rounds then 6# for the rest)

score: 258

At each station we did 8 tabata intervals so the WOD ended up being 20 minutes.  This was a tough one! The wall balls and push press really got me.  

zone challenge: 38

Friday, March 6, 2009

Team Murph

Fridays WOD

1 mile run
100 pull ups
200 push ups
300 squats
1 mile run

My team was my mom, dad and I.  We split the mile into 4 parts, my dad ran a 400, then my mom and I ran a 400 together, etc.  For the pull ups I did jumping ones and my parents did the green band. My mom and I did knee push ups.  This WOD was so much fun!  It was nice to work in a team for a change. Before the WOD, Ben told us that he had met Michael Murphy while on his tour.  It was really inspirational and made me push myself so much harder.

Post Murph: Dad, me, Mom, Ben and Alex

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

lunges/pull ups/sit ups

Wednesdays WOD

60 ft lunge walk
21 pull ups (jumping)
21 sit ups
60 ft LW
18 pu
18 su
60 ft lw
15 pu
15 su
60 ft lw
12 pu
12 su
60 ft lw 
9 pu
9 su
60 ft lw
6 pu
6 su


Ouch...My legs were starting to feel better after Sundays sprints but I have a feeling I'm going to be really sore again tomorrow.  I noticed I was using my arms more during the jumping pull ups because my legs were hurting from the lunges.  Yesterday I was bored so I decided to do tabata sit-ups, so my abs are really feeling it after this WOD!  Afterwards I was working on my green-band pull ups and I finally got one by myself!  I have to keep practicing so I can start doing them in the WODs.

Monday, March 2, 2009


Mondays WOD

AMRAP in 15 minutes
10 SDHP (40#)
60 single jump rope
10 kbs (26#)
60 single jump rope

4 rounds + 10 sdhp, 60 jump rope, 10 kbs, 37 jump rope

Man I was so close to 5! After the first round I started to get a little uncoordinated w/ the jump rope.  Luckily I couldn't feel the soreness from yesterday during the WOD, but ohh I feel it now!

Sunday, March 1, 2009


Sunday's WOD
100m x 4 (19, 21, 23, 23)
200m x 3 (1:08, 1:13, 1:11)
400m x 2 (2:08, 2:06)

Man this one was tough mentally and physically! 

zone: 32