Monday's WOD
4 x 400m run
1:44, 1:58, 2:10, 1:59 total: 7:51
We did a bunch of new running drills today before the WOD to help correct the way we run. At first it felt a little awkward but after a bit, especially after taking my shoes off, it started to feel a little more natural. During the work out I really had to concentrate on my technique, especially as I got more tired. I've never been a huge fan of running so hopefully as my technique gets better I won't dislike it as much.
After the WOD I practiced my pull ups and I was able to do 3 sets of 5 with the green band! Last week Luke was helping me out and I was only able to get 1 on my own. I'm got to keep practicing so I can start doing them in the workout.
Nice job jenna. you are making such fast progress. i am proud of you. keep up the hard work
Thanks Nick!! I cant wait for you to come home and we can all work out together!
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