Friday, April 24, 2009

In-N-Out and Zone

Friday's WOD


AMRAP in 20 min of:
30 box jumps (14" I think, 12"+45# plate)
20 push press (43#)
30 pull ups (green band)

2 rounds + 30 box jumps + 15 push press

I've been wanting to figure out how many blocks an In-N-Out burger is for a while so my dad and I went tonight and I did a little experiment.  I ordered a double-double with out cheese. Both meet patties were around 2.5 ounces so I added .5 ounce at home.  For the carbs, I took a little trick from Jason Khalipa and took part of the bun out from the inside (I know it sounds a little crazy) so I guessed that to be around 2.5 blocks of carbs, but I'm not really sure.  Then there was some tomato, onions and lettuce.  For the fat I got the spread on the side and put a little of that on.  It wasn't all measured perfectly but It was pretty close.  

zone challenge:72

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