Saturday, April 4, 2009


Friday's WOD

3 rounds
1o burpees
20 pull ups (green band!)
30 kettlebell swings (26#)


So I finally did a WOD with the green band, yay!!  It wasn't easy but I feel like I got a way better workout then doing the jumping pull ups.  My times are going to be slower (at first anyways) with the g-band but its going to make me way more pull up goal is to get a real one by my birthday (August 17).

zone challenge: 57


mb said...

I'm sure you'll progress fast with your dedication. You are KILLING the Zone challenge!

August 17th is my husbands bday, too. Which really doesn't mean much except we'll be partying at the same time. :-)

Faith said...

First step green band, next up-- kipping pullups!!! You're rocking it! =) Great job Jenna!