Saturday, August 15, 2009

Team WOD

Saturday's WOD

In teams of two, perform all of the following for time:
800m Run (alternating at 400m)
400m Medicine Ball Run (alternating at 200m) (14#)
4 rounds of:
25 Wall Balls (14#/8ft)
25 Box Jumps (20")
25 Sumo-deadlift High-pulls (55#)
400m Medicine Ball Run (alternating at 200m)
800m Run (alternating at 400m)

Jenna/Faith: 29:33

We've been talking a lot about mental toughness and strategies to be come more mentally tough on the CFV site this week so I thought I'd try it out today. While Faith was doing her last 400m run I was trying to psych myself up for my last run. I closed my eyes and tried to forget about everything else I've just done and told myself the WOD for the day was something like 3X4oom sprints at max effort and I was on my last one. When Faith came in I was ready to go, I took off and probably got my fastest 400m time ever! Forgetting about everything else that happened before really helped me to push myself as hard as I could...and it didn't hurt that Huff was chasing me.


1 comment:

CJ said...

this post got me fired up! Great work Jenna!!