Tuesday's WOD
A1: High bar back squat @ 30X0; 6,4,2,6,4,2 reps; 10 second rest
A2: Blue band, Chest to Bar Pull-ups; 10 reps, 6 rounds; 240 second rest
B: Wall-Balls (10# to 8ft); 25 reps, 3 rounds; 120 second rest
A1 65, 75, 85, 75, 90, 105
A2: dropped from bar 4 times last ro

B: 0 drops
Here's how the WOD went: 6 bs, 10 c2b, rest; 4 bs, 10 c2b, rest; 2 bs, 10 c2b, rest.... after all the back squats and pull ups were done then came the wall balls. By the last round of pull ups my forearms were on fire and I had to come off the bar 4 times, but all the other rounds were unbroken.
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