I got my new oly shoes the other day so I was soooo excited when I saw lifting on the board today! It was my first time doing a split jerk but felt pretty good. I just need to work on the dips a little more.
I was a few minutes slower than last time but the kettle bells went up from 26# to the prescribed weight, and pull ups went from the green band to the white band. Even though I was slower, I'm still pretty happy with my time. Now I just have to link some pull ups together and when this one comes around in a few months do it RX'D!
Last time 6:44 (45#). For my birthday Luke, Nick and Katie got me weightlifting shoes and my parents got me lululemon clothes and a bag. I am so set!! Time to get some PR's.
In teams of two, perform all of the following for time:
800m Run (alternating at 400m)
400m Medicine Ball Run (alternating at 200m) (14#)
4 rounds of:
25 Wall Balls (14#/8ft)
25 Box Jumps (20")
25 Sumo-deadlift High-pulls (55#)
400m Medicine Ball Run (alternating at 200m)
800m Run (alternating at 400m)
Jenna/Faith: 29:33
We've been talking a lot about mental toughness and strategies to be come more mentally tough on the CFV site this week so I thought I'd try it out today. While Faith was doing her last 400m run I was trying to psych myself up for my last run. I closed my eyes and tried to forget about everything else I've just done and told myself the WOD for the day was something like 3X4oom sprints at max effort and I was on my last one. When Faith came in I was ready to go, I took off and probably got my fastest 400m time ever! Forgetting about everything else that happened before really helped me to push myself as hard as I could...and it didn't hurt that Huff was chasing me.
A1: High bar back squat @ 30X0; 6,4,2,6,4,2 reps; 10 second rest
A2: Blue band, Chest to Bar Pull-ups; 10 reps, 6 rounds; 240 second rest
B: Wall-Balls (10# to 8ft); 25 reps, 3 rounds; 120 second rest
A1 65, 75, 85, 75, 90, 105
A2: dropped from bar 4 times last round
B: 0 drops
Here's how the WOD went: 6 bs, 10 c2b, rest; 4 bs, 10 c2b, rest; 2 bs, 10 c2b, rest.... after all the back squats and pull ups were done then came the wall balls. By the last round of pull ups my forearms were on fire and I had to come off the bar 4 times, but all the other rounds were unbroken.
A few months ago I did this WOD and got 16:47. Today 13:17, thats a 3:30 PR!! I felt strong on the runs and the squats weren't too bad either. I guess 2 weeks off does a body good!
All RX'D!! This is the first (of many) WOD that I've done RX besides running! Before today I think I've done maybe 3 double-unders in my whole life. Colin said to flick my wrists more, so I did and now somehow I can kind of do them. Every time I got one I would think "I did it, I did it!!" This goes to show that you should never say you can't do something, especially if you never really try.
Previous best 32:18. My first thing I get to cross out on my goal list... Sub 30 5K!! I need new shoes though, my feet were killing me!! I'm thinking the Nike Free...you can even customize them!
Even though I've been gone for a while I felt pretty good today. I did all of the pull ups and squats unbroke. Last time I got 13 rounds doing jumping pull ups. Next time RX'D??? I have to work on my pull ups and regular push ups!!
My name is Jenna and I just graduated from SDSU in December. Since then I have moved back to Ventura and have started working out at CrossFit Ventura. I spent a year abroad in Spain and went to the running of the bulls with my brother Nick in July. I was definitely not prepared to run but I plan on going back and doing it!!