Tuesday, December 29, 2009


Monday's WOD

Strict Pull ups 5-5-5
blue band- blue band- red band (2)

then AMRAP in 15 min of
100m bear crawls
10 max height wall balls (10#, 8-10ft)
100 single jump ropes

4 rounds + 100m

Saturday, December 12, 2009

I can relate anything to Crossfit

My final project

Saturday's WOD

3 rounds of
35 box jumps (20")
15 OHS (45#)
10 dips (red band standing)


As many of you know I am currently going to school at Channel Islands to get my teaching credential. This semester I had a class called English in Social Contexts which was about English Language Learners (ELLs) and the struggles they face and how to help them succeed. . For the final I had to create an artifact that I could relate to the class and the topics we covered. My professor told us to relate it to ourselves so the first thing that popped in my mind was crossfit, of course! So I sculpted the barbell above and said that it was like the mainstream classroom. A new crossfitter would never be advised to try to do a really heavy deadlift, unless they had background lifting. We need to first learn the technique and become stronger before we can attempt any lift at a heavy weight. The same can be said for bilingual education. If you have a student who has relatively no background in English they are going to need help to be successful in a mainstream classroom. If a new crossfitter was asked to do a really heavy deadlift, they most likely would not be successful, in the same way that ELLs (with out coaching, programing, and hard work, I won't get into the technical stuff here... already had to write that paper) will most likely not be successful in a mainstream classroom. Moral of the story...I can relate anything to Crossfit.

Friday, December 11, 2009


Friday's WOD



then 5 rounds of:
7 hang power cleans (65#)
20 sit ups
100m sprint


Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Snatch, KBS and Run

Tuesday's WOD

Muscle Snatch


for time:
15 KBS (35#)
400m sprint
12 KBS
300m sprint
200m sprint
100m sprint
50m sprint


I really liked the KBS/run wod today. I'm such a baby in the cold thought...I don't know how people do this in the snow! I guess I need some warm workout clothes

Monday, December 7, 2009

It's COLD!

Monday's WOD

3 X
60 sec hallow rocks
60 sec rest
60 sec super mans
60 sec rest


AMRAP in 10 min of
3 Push Jerks (65#)
5 Push Ups (to the bench)
7 Broad Jumps (4ft)

8 rounds + 3 PJ + 3 PU

Saturday, December 5, 2009


Saturday's WOD

Lumberjack Hero WOD

20 Deadlift (125#)
400 m run
20 KBS (35#)
400 m run
20 OHS (43#)
400 m run
20 Burpees
400 m run
20 Pull-ups (blue-band)
400 m run
20 Box jumps (20")
400 m run
20 DB Squat Clean (15#)
400 m run


Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Oh Fran

Tuesday's WOD


Thrusters (50#)
Pull-Ups (red-band)


Fran and I do not seem to get along. Out of the 5 times Fran and I have had the "pleasure" of meeting, I've gotten a PR once. Each time I've gone up in weight and/or down in bands but I still should be getting a faster time after doing this for almost a year. Oh well... better luck next time.