Sunday, October 4, 2009

CFV Affiliate Challenge

Saturday's WORKOUTS

WOD 1: "The Pull"
Row 400m
30 SDHP (55#)
25 Jumping Pull Ups


WOD 2: (broken) "Unbreakable"
AMRAP in 15 min of:
7 Shoulder to Overhead (55#)
25 Double-Unders

7 rounds

WOD 3:
4 rounds of :
400m Run
30 Squat-Clean Thrusters (65#)
15 Burpees (jump to mark 1ft over reach)

3 rounds+400m run: 35:04

What an awesome day at CFV!! Somehow I was tied for 6th place and had to do the final WOD. I was totally unprepared for this but gave it a shot anyways. I've never done squat-clean thrusters or thruster at 65# so I wasn't sure how it was going to go, but I managed to do 45! Even though I didn't finish the workout in the time allowed I'm still sooo proud of myself. I would have never imagined being able to do any of this when I first started at CFV in January. Everyone did so awesome!! Congrats to Luke, Jaala, Katie and Craig for bringing it home for CFV with 1st and 2nd place finishes!!

Katie and I happy to be done after a long day full of 3 WODs


Mitch said...

Way to go sweetheart! I'm super proud of you !

Mitch said...

Way to go sweetheart! I'm super proud of you !

Mom said...

Jen Gee,
way to represent CFV and the Mitchell family. You did such an awesome job!!!