For those crossfitting cowboys
Monday's WOD
1 rep max clean and jerk
I went from 75# to 85# and failed so I went down to 80 and failed that on the first attempt. I went off to the side and stopped watching other people and tried to visualize getting it. I got 80, 85 then 9o pretty easily. When I get closer to my max I really need to remember to focus and get in my zone because it helps me so much.
After the WOD I jumped on the pull up bars and got three in a row! It was the first time I have linked any at all. I felt like my kip was really good so it made it easier. Then I picked up the jump rope and got 14 double unders in a row! My previous max was 8.
People on a gluten-free diet need a sharp eye for labels. Some ingredient red flags are obvious, like wheat, wheat gluten, barley, or rye. But some foods have "stealth" gluten. Two terms to watch for are malt (which is made from barley) and hydrolyzed vegetable protein (it often contains wheat).
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