Monday, March 8, 2010

It's Monday Again!

Monday's WOD

A1: Push Press + Push Jerk, 1+2 (rest 90 seconds)
A2: KBS 5 X 15 (rest 90 seconds)

A1: 25#DB, 30#DB, 30#db, 30#db, 25#db
A2: 35#

then for time:
3 Double unders
10 1/2 burpees (burps)*
3 DUs
9 burps
3 DUs
8 burps
3 DUs
7 burps
3 DUs
6 burps
5 burps
3 DUs
4 burps
3 DUs
3 burps
3 DUs
2 burps
3 DUs
1 burp


*my wrist started hurting a little again from the PP/PJ so I didn't want to do real burpees. Instead I put my knuckles down, kicked my legs back then jumped back up (no push up part hence the 1/2 burpee or burp)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hm hm.. that's interessting but to be honest i have a hard time seeing it... wonder what others have to say..