Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Team Tosh

Wednesday's WOD

Team Tosh with Jennifer

3 rounds 

Partner 1: 200m Sprint, Partner 2: Rest

P2: 200m Sprint, P 1: Rest

P 1: 400m Sprint, P 2: Rest

P 2: 400m Sprint, P 1: Rest

P 1: 600m Sprint, P 2: Rest

P 2: 600m Sprint, P 1: Rest


Monday, January 25, 2010

Clean and L-sit

Monday's WOD

1 rep max clean


then 3X max L-sit (tuck)
:29 seconds

Wednesday, January 20, 2010


Wednesday's WOD

High bar back squat

then 3 rounds of
20 db cross chops (10 each side) (25#DB)
20 KBS (25# db)
rest 90 seconds

4:16 (minus rest time)

then 3 rounds
1 min hollow rocks
rest 10 seconds
1 min push up plank
rest 10 seconds

Tuesday, January 19, 2010


Team Post Op

Tuesday's WOD

Fight Gone Bad

3 rounds of (1 min each)
Wall Balls (14#, 9ft)
SDHP (55#)
Box Jumps (20")
Push Press (55#)
Row (for calories)
rest one minute

round 1: 15, 16, 15, 11, 15 = 72
round 2: 10, 15, 14, 10, 12= 61
round 3 10, 12, 14, 12, 10 = 58

total: 191

I started out on the rower. WBs are a huge goat for me. I was having trouble catching them on the way down...gotta get the rhythm back!

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Pull Ups!

Wednesday's WOD

Power Snatch

AMRAP in 15 min
2 muscle ups (sub 2 PULL UPS (no band!!) 6 dips (red band, knee))
4 broad jumps
6 DB power snatch, each arm (20#)

7 rounds + 2 pull ups

My first WOD doing real pull ups!!!

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

One Year Anniversary

"Evolve: to undergo development into a more advanced or better form"

A year ago today my parents and I started our elements course at CFV. Since that day I have lost 55 pounds, gone from a size 14 to 4, XL to small/medium. Running a 400 meter lap is no longer a daunting task, I look forward to working out and seeing how benchmark WODs have improved. In my first post on this blog I wrote "I think a big problem was that I never really believed I could do it. I now believe and know that I will be successful with crossfit and the zone. I can't wait to see what the future holds!!" It's crazy to think back to that time and how much things have changed. Besides all the physical changes I've gone through, I have gained so much confidence. I have done things I never imagined myself doing and have grown so much in this past year. Thanks to everyone, especially my mom, dad, Luke, Nick and Katie, who always believed in me and helped me along the way!!

Monday, January 11, 2010


Monday's WOD

Modified Barbara

5 rounds w/ 3 min rest b/t rounds

10 pull ups (red band)
20 push ups (2 tires)
30 sit ups
40 squats


Sunday, January 10, 2010

Slappin' Susan

Sunday's WOD

5 rounds
200m run
10 jumping squats
10 knee clapping push ups


Friday, January 8, 2010

split jerk +

Friday's WOD

Split Jerk 3-3-3


then AMRAP in 10 min of
10 DB thrusters (15#)
10 Knees to elbows
10 Walking lunges

4 rounds + 7 thrusters

I didn't even know I could do K2E until the warm up today!

Wednesday, January 6, 2010


Wednesday's WOD

Shoulder Press 5-5-5 (rest 3 min)

48-58-63(f)-58(1) sucky

3 rounds
400 m run
21 KBS (35#)
12 pull ups (red band)


Tuesday, January 5, 2010

today and catchup

Tuesday's WOD

3 position snatch; 3X 1+1+1 (rest 3 min)


3 rounds of
4 tabata burpees to 1ft target
4 tabata sit ups

round 1: 60, r2: 56, r3: 54
total: 170

WOD from a few days ago

4 rounds (3 min rest b/t rounds)
4oo m run
12 push jerk (53#)
8 C2B pull ups (red band)
