Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Tabata Something Else

Tuesday's WOD

Tabata Something Else

pull ups-42
push ups(knee)- 84
sit ups- 80
squats- 115

total- 321

Monday, October 26, 2009

PR Monday!!

For those crossfitting cowboys

Monday's WOD

1 rep max clean and jerk


I went from 75# to 85# and failed so I went down to 80 and failed that on the first attempt. I went off to the side and stopped watching other people and tried to visualize getting it. I got 80, 85 then 9o pretty easily. When I get closer to my max I really need to remember to focus and get in my zone because it helps me so much.

After the WOD I jumped on the pull up bars and got three in a row! It was the first time I have linked any at all. I felt like my kip was really good so it made it easier. Then I picked up the jump rope and got 14 double unders in a row! My previous max was 8.

People on a gluten-free diet need a sharp eye for labels. Some ingredient red flags are obvious, like wheat, wheat gluten, barley, or rye. But some foods have "stealth" gluten. Two terms to watch for are malt (which is made from barley) and hydrolyzed vegetable protein (it often contains wheat).

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Nick's HOME!!

Tuesday's WOD

2 rounds of
10 HSPU (20" box)
15 Pull ups (red band)
10 dips (white band on feet)
15 pull ups
10 push ups (knee)
15 pull ups


Nick came home from the hospital this evening! He's up and ambulating and happy to be home.

Monday, October 19, 2009

I'm Back!

Monday's WOD

Deadlift 3-3-3
155-165-175 (PR)

then Grace
30 Clean and Jerks (63#)

I've been sick the past week and haven't worked out since last Sunday.  It felt good to be back in the gym!

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Solo Sunday

Sunday's WOD

Split Jerk

63-73-83 (2)

then NorCal Qualifier WOD A
500m row
30 burpees
10 shoulder to over head (63#)


Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Push Press + some

Tuesday's WOD

1 rep max push press

then 2 rounds of
800 m run
30 knees to armpits


Definitely could have gone a little faster on the run.

Solid nutrition should enable you to look better, feel better, perform better and track biomarkers of health via blood work.

Monday Monday

Monday's WOD

A. Low-bar Back Squat; 5,5,5 reps; rest 240 sec

B1. DB Power Snatch; amrap in 1 minute x 3; rest 15 sec

B2. Jumping Squats @ 45#; amrap in 1 minute x 3; rest 90 sec

C. Janda Sit-ups; amrap in 20 seconds x 4; rest 10 sec

A: 110, 120, 125 (3, most days I think I'd be able to get 125 but I was still feeling Saturday a bit)

B1: 18, 18, 20 (20#)
B2: 21, 19, 20 (45#)C: 47
Total: 283

I saw this book at Lassen's the other day so I decided to look into ADHD and a gluten-free diet and found an interesting quote, "When you feed a person with ADHD, you are feeding the brain and not the stomach."

Sunday, October 4, 2009

CFV Affiliate Challenge

Saturday's WORKOUTS

WOD 1: "The Pull"
Row 400m
30 SDHP (55#)
25 Jumping Pull Ups


WOD 2: (broken) "Unbreakable"
AMRAP in 15 min of:
7 Shoulder to Overhead (55#)
25 Double-Unders

7 rounds

WOD 3:
4 rounds of :
400m Run
30 Squat-Clean Thrusters (65#)
15 Burpees (jump to mark 1ft over reach)

3 rounds+400m run: 35:04

What an awesome day at CFV!! Somehow I was tied for 6th place and had to do the final WOD. I was totally unprepared for this but gave it a shot anyways. I've never done squat-clean thrusters or thruster at 65# so I wasn't sure how it was going to go, but I managed to do 45! Even though I didn't finish the workout in the time allowed I'm still sooo proud of myself. I would have never imagined being able to do any of this when I first started at CFV in January. Everyone did so awesome!! Congrats to Luke, Jaala, Katie and Craig for bringing it home for CFV with 1st and 2nd place finishes!!

Katie and I happy to be done after a long day full of 3 WODs