Wednesday, April 28, 2010


Wednesday's WOD

A1: bench press @ 40X0, 5X 3-5 (rest 90 sec)
A2: reverse med ball toss 5X5 (6#)

65, 70 (2), 65 (4), 65 (3), 65 (3)

then 4 rounds
10 HSPU (20" box)
25 db half moon switches (15#)


Tuesday, April 27, 2010


Tuesday's WOD

400m run
21 KBS (35#)
12 pull ups (red band)

13:o5 (about a minute PR)

Monday, April 19, 2010

Deadlift PR

Monday's WOD

1 rep max deadlift

200# (PR!)

then 3 rounds
30/20/10 suitcase lunges (1/2 on each side, 20#)
6/6/6 broad jumps
9/6/3 db power snatch (20#)


Saturday, April 17, 2010


Saturday's WOD


29:00 (PR!)

Friday, April 16, 2010

It's been awhile

Friday's WOD

A1: Bench press at 40X0, 5X 4-6 reps (rest 30 seconds)
A2: Double unders, AMRAP in 1 minute
rest 3 minutes

A1: 48, 53, 58 (4), 58, 63(2)
A2: 20, 21, 17, 15, 18

then 5 rounds
5 burpees
10 push balls (10# @ 9ish ft)


The burpees felt good today with my wrist. I think my week of has helped a lot. Time to get some!